Monday, August 14, 2006

Never be late for work again

Copyright © Vincent Murphy

For many parents, having the weight of child care expenses can be draining.So maybe it’s now time to investigate ways to earn money from the comfort of your home.

One way to earn money from home is to start your own at-home business. If you consider your self as a people-person, developing a business in which people come into your home such as a baby products or daycare, or working as salesperson for example selling candles or cosmetics might be a better option for you.

If you have some garage space in your home that could perhaps be converted into a business area, starting your own shop would be an excellent way to earn money from home. Specialize in a hobby or interest that you enjoy such as paintings or antiques, or make your own products to feature as sales items like jewelry or clothing.

To earn money from home by being a shop owner would, of course, require some investment like restructuring, extra utility costs, decorating, advertising, product costs and, possibly, employee payrolls.

Some people, however, prefer to work alone. Having to deal with co-workers is one of the top reasons professionals quit their jobs. In this case, providing a service in which you excel would be a good way to earn money from home. Decide on a business endeavour in which you could spend at least 90 percent of the time working by yourself, such as an at-home accounting business or book proofreader. All jobs, though, include some person-to-person contact such as phone calls or asking businesses to display advertising for your company.

Perhaps you are not one who likes dealing with people, but still have always dreamed of running your own company. Consider buying an empty building or existing company and be a business owner who collects all the profits. Sure, you’d have to make an appearance from time to time to check on business matters. But, for the most part, having your own business could consist of paying employees and management to do the job for you. It is a reasonable way to earn money from home while never having to lift a finger.

Telecommuting is also an option to earn money from home. Talk to your boss or supervisor about possibly doing your duties from home and either e-mailing or faxing it in. If this isn’t possible, there are many companies out there who need people to work from home doing secretarial, bookkeeping or writing work. Advance in your career and do the job you’ve always enjoyed. The only difference would be that you now have a virtual office and no co-workers or heavy-breathing bosses surrounding you.

Another option to earn money from home, that is similar to telecommuting, is to freelance. Turn your skill or experience into a profitable career by doing contract work for businesses. Set your own schedule, negotiate your own fees, and still have time for your family.

Vincent Murphy can help you to find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home/Never be late for work again. visit:

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